Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding groundwater pollution by the discharge of industrial effluent in Haryana by the state of Rajasthan, 25/02/2016
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding groundwater pollution by the discharge of industrial effluent in Haryana by the state of Rajasthan, 25/02/2016
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sumitra Devi Vs. CPCB & Ors. dated 25/02/2016 regarding groundwater pollution by the discharge of industrial effluent in Haryana by the state of Rajasthan.
State of Rajasthan would file an Affidavit in terms of the previous order of the Tribunal dated 9th February, 2016. The affidavit should also clarify as to why the State Government, RIICO and the industry (on Polluter Pays Principal) should not be directed to spent the money for upgradation of CETP to ensure that the effluents is treated strictly to the prescribed standards, beside it is an incorrect statement that there is variation which is of a miner nature in relation to the prescribed parameters particularly the discharge of the trade effluent by these industries.