Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding groundwater withdrawal by M/s. Rathi Steel, Uttar Pradesh, 15/01/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding groundwater withdrawal by M/s. Rathi Steel, Uttar Pradesh, 15/01/2018
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rajiv Narayan & Others Vs. Union of India & Others dated 15/01/2018 regarding groundwater withdrawal by M/s. Rathi Steel & Power, Uttar Pradesh.
A report filed by the Joint Inspection Team reveals that the industry has been abstracting water through three borewells with submersible pumps of 20 HP capacity and stored in a tank (capacity 35300CFT)for further industrial and domestic uses without their being authorization to do so. The report also mentions that level of PM 10 in the ambient air has exceeded standards. NGT directs M/s. Rathi Steel & Power Limited to show cause as to why appropriate action including imposition of compensation for its contribution to the ambient air of PM 10 with resultant rise in parameter of PM10 in ambient air.