Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining activities in Rajasthan, 13/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining activities in Rajasthan, 13/03/2019
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nanga Ram Dangi Vs Secretary, Department of Environment & Forest & Others dated 13/03/2019 regarding illegal mining activites in Rajasthan and the environment compensation to be recovered from persons involved in illegal mining which has resulted in damage to the environment. In this regard, Tribunal makes it clear that basically three things are to be recovered in case of illegal mining. Firstly, the cost of the mineral extracted. Secondly, the amount of penalty/compounding to be imposed on such miners in accordance to Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rule, 2017. Thirdly the environmental compensation, on account of the damage caused to the environment, which the Tribunal may impose. National Green Tribunal directs the Director, Mining and Geology, Rajasthan to prepare a clear chart, supported by an affidavit, in respect of total number of illegal mining identified, prior to September, 2018 and thereafter; the cost of mineral to be recovered; penalty as per RMMCR 2017 and environmental compensation of Rs. One lakh each for the first time offence, as ordered by the Tribunal.
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