Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding industrial units causing pollution, Ganesh Khariberia Village, Purba Khariberia, West Bengal, 21/07/2017

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Shyamal Kumar Mondal Vs West Bengal Pollution Control Board & Others dated 21/07/2017 regarding industrial units manufacturing galvanised materials and chemicals on the Diamond Harbour Road near villages Ganesh Khariberia (Bagirhat) and Purba Khariberia. It is alleged that the industrial units discharge untreated water into the canals and emit smoke causing air and water pollution in the area.

NGT directs the State PCB to inspect the industrial units to verify on the allegations contained in the OA (Original Application) and file a report before the next date.
