Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding a park in Delhi being used for organizing events illegally, 03/12/2018

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rakesh Tihara Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi dated 03/12/2018 regarding a park in Sundar Nagar is being mis-used for organizing events, illegally and in disregard of environmental norms. There is illegal use of diesel generators, non- compliance of requirements of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, illegal parking takes place in the park, there are huge traffic jams, there is huge noise pollution which continues till late after mid night. The Court is of the view that there is need to assess carrying capacity of the area to sustain such events in respect of number of vehicles, generation and disposal of municipal solid waste, safety hazards, noise pollution, emergency response etc. to be permitted in particular colonies and to regulate such events being held in any public parks, consistent with the environment norms, already notified or which may be notified.

National Green Tribunal directs constitution of a Joint Committe to submit a detailed report in this regard including guidelines to regulate such events in public parks and residential localities.