Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding unscientific and illegal mining obstructing the flow of Yamuna river, 12/08/2022

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jahangir Vs State of Haryana dated 12/08/2022. Grievance in the application is against unscientific and illegal mining obstructing the flow of Yamuna river in village Belgarh. Fifteen Pokland machines are working day and night causing huge air pollution. Mining is done by a contractor who has been given the lease for the area falling in Saharanpur district but the lessee is also undertaking  illegal mining in village Belgarh.

Inspection of the site was made, May 12, 2022 by a team comprising authorities from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

The court noted that the report says that no illegal mining has been carried out but it is admitted that there is diversion of flow of river Yamuna due to illegal mining conducted in the area falling in the territory of state of Haryana. The allegations of illegal mining was "mellowed down/diluted by observing that the quantity of illegal mining could not be ascertained, no footprints were found at the site and therefore, no further action on this aspect was taken," the bench of Justices Sudhir Agarwal said, August 12, 2022.

The court expressed surprise that even when the complaint of illegal mining was found correct which resulted in the diversion of river flow, the authorities have tried to "belittle this aspect on shallow pretexts" without taking any appropriate action.The officers of revenue and mining department and SPCB of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana are guilty of suppressing information and also for not taking appropriate action against the persons who have attempted illegal mining.

The NGT directd the Chief Secretaries of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to take appropriate criminal, civil as well as other action for illegal mining conducted in this case and submit action taken reports before the next date, September 14, 2022. The Chief Secretaries were also directed to take appropriate action against the concerned erring officials who have tried to cover up the act of illegal mining resulting in diversion of river flow.