Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding steps to control air pollution, Punjab, 10/08/2020
Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding steps to control air pollution, Punjab, 10/08/2020
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 10/08/2020. The matter related to steps taken by the state of Punjab to control air pollution.
An affidavit was filed in the SC on behalf of state of Punjab and with respect to it the court asked for clarification and submission of a report.
Some of the issues raised by the apex court are the following:
a) With respect to the technology developed by the Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd., the time period needed for dissolution of the stubble.
b) The Chief Secretary, Punjab has been asked to point out a ground level arrangement for collection of stubble which can be used as cattle food.
c) Information about the biomass projects and the distance from the hot spots where the stubble burning is taking place.
d) Steps taken for dedicated equipments reserved for small and marginal farmers for weeding/cutting of the stubble
e) Details of compliance of the SWM Rules, 2016 adopted by all 167 ULBs of Punjab.
f) The Chief Secretary of the state has been asked to state the state's requirement with respect to existing facilities of recycling of construction and demolition waste and the time it would take to complete the pending projects.