Report by the Deputy Commissioner, Dhanbad (District Ganga Committee) on steps taken for restoration of Damodar river, 30/03/2024

Report by the Deputy Commissioner, Dhanbad (District Ganga Committee) in the matter of M C Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated March 30, 2024.

The report was in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order, passed on September 18, 2023; February 5, 2023 and February 20, 2024. The NGT had directed NMCG and concerned states - Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal to take steps for preventing discharge of industrial effluents in Ganga and its tributaries/drains by ensuring installation of proper functioning of ETPs/CETPs. The tribunal had also directed for utilization of treated sewage, use of sludge for manure and septage management, and maintenance of e-flow. 

Damodar is one of the river basins of Jharkhand and a tributary of river Ganga. Restoration of 28 waterbodies is proposed to be taken up under Damodar river basin. A total of 12 ponds were taken up for renovation for the year 2024. In addition, 4 check dam construction was taken up for the year 2024. An environmental compensation amount of Rs. 43747769 has been recovered from industries for damage caused to the Damodar river. Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board (JSPCB) is ensuring the restoration of the damage to the environment by levying the environment compensation against the violators as a punitive action. 30,000 in a 10 kilometre stretch has been planted by Dhanbad Forest Division along river Damodar and its tributaries.