Report filed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board regarding heavy traces of oil being found in Buckingham Canal after cyclone Michaung, 12/12/2023
Report filed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board regarding heavy traces of oil being found in Buckingham Canal after cyclone Michaung, 12/12/2023
Report filed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Suomotu based on the visual media titled Chennai Rains Makkalai Vathaikkum Oil Companies-Shocking Story - Michaung Ground Report covered by on VIKATAN TV, Chennai, dated 06/12/2023.
A private television news channel reported about heavy traces of oil being found in Buckingham Canal consequently reaching the Ennore Creek, which stuck on the vessels/boats used by the fishermen affecting their activities.
Based on the above news, a team of officials of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board initially inspected the said area on December 7. The team initially visited the Buckingham Canal stretch from Kargil Nagar bridge to Kodungaiyur. During the inspection, the team observed stagnation of oil in the Buckingham Canal, mainly on the banks. It was observed that the ingress of oil mainly occurred from the storm water drain from the Manali industrial area and confluence with Buckingham canal.
The team also noticed that there was some stagnant water mixed with oil, adjoining the storm outlet near south gate of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, which slowly contributed to oil mixing in the canal. The inspecting team found that oil is also found coming from the upstream of the Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited from Kodungaiyur/Tondiarpet areas; Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Tondiarpet terminal and container terminal located along the Buckingham canal at Korrukupet and Kodungaiyur areas.
According to CPCL due to heavy rainfall which occured on December 3-4, 2023 and the release of excess water from Poondi and Puzhal reservoirs resulted in heavy floods in and around Manali industrial area including CPCL campus. When CPCL pumped the stagnant water to save the installation, the oily matter sticking on the ground could have found its way to the water body. Also, there was no leakage from the tank area, process area including pipelines carrying raw materials and product.
The report stated that a meeting was convened by the TNPCB to expeditiously address the issue on December 8 with the oil industries located at Manali, Kodungaiyur, Tondiarpet areas to arrive at a solution for the removal of oil in the canal. CPCL has started to remove the oil in the storm water outlet and as of December 8, they have curtailed the oil reaching the Buckingham Canal.