Report by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on Stagot Potartoes Products, Sundha, taluk Palanpur, district Banaskantha, Gujarat, 05/03/2021
Report by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on Stagot Potartoes Products, Sundha, taluk Palanpur, district Banaskantha, Gujarat, 05/03/2021
Action taken report by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on the allegations of pollution by M/S Stagot Potartoes Products LLP, Survey No. 675/1, at Sundha, taluk Palanpur, district Banaskantha. The unit was visited on March 5, 2021.
The unit has signed a MoU with the farmers, so that treated waste water from the ETP could be discharged onto the agricultural farms of 42 acres through underground pipeline surrounding the unit. During the visit all the ETP units were found in operation.
The industry has provided around 100 fogger systems around the ETP and periphery of the factory to control odour during the operation. These were some of the points mentioned in the report of March 5, 2021 filed with the NGT.