Report by MCD regarding a drain in Greater Kailash, Delhi attracting swarms of mosquitoes, 13/01/2025
Report by MCD regarding a drain in Greater Kailash, Delhi attracting swarms of mosquitoes, 13/01/2025
Status report on behalf of MCD in the matter of news item titled "Greater Kailash lesser comfort life amid foul air mosquitoes" appearing in the Times of India dated 22/04/2024.
In the original application, registered suo motu, the tribunal is examining the issue of emitting intolerable stench from a drain running along side a park in South Delhi's Greater Kailash I attracting swarms of mosquitoes.
The report by MCD stated that till January 4, 2025 no action has been taken by the DJB in address the issue of trapped R&S Block nallah/drain near Krishi Vihar DDA park before approximately 30 to 40 meters from the outfall by constructing a wall approximately 2 meters height. "Neither any official from DJB visited the site in presence of MCD officials or DPCC officials nor informed any schedule of their visit at the drain behind Krishi Vihar". Despite this, the concerned area field staff/malaria inspector of the department has been taking adequate anti mosquito measures in respect of the alleged drain on a routine basis. The department has also undertaken the requisite anti larval spray along the aforesaid drain by way of power spray tanker on a regular basis.
The court was also informed that the department is also undertaking anti larval spray by knapsack sprayers in the area in question on a weekly basis along the alleged drain, regularly. Moreover, fogging against adult mosquitoes in the vicinity of the drain has also been done on various occasions. Also, cold fogg has been done in and around the drain. "The zonal entomologist of South Zone-MCD has also inspected the locality and also the alleged drain on September 9, 2024 and reported that no mosquito breeding is there in the drain and in its surrounding area and the drain is flowing freely without any clogging and congestion," the report said.
When the joint inspection along with DPCC was carried out on September 19, 2024 at storm water drain adjacent to B, R and S Block, GK-1, the alleged swarm of mosquitoes was not observed near the drain and the drain was found cleaned and no waste dumping observed in the drain this time. Delhi Jal Board had trapped the R&S block nallah/drain near Krishi Vihar DDA park before approximately 30 to 40 meters from the outfall by constructing a wall 2 meters height due to which the water stagnated at upstream side of the nallah. The desilting work of R and S block nalla/drain has been carried out by deploying manual labours.
Approximately 38.60 MT of silt has been extracted from the drain and sent to the SLF Okhla. Desilting of drains is a continuous process and as per policy of the department the desilting activity is carried out throughout the year - pre-monsoon and post monsoon. 60 per cent of the desilting is to be done in 1st Phase (pre-monsoon) and 40 per cent to be done in 2nd phase (post monsoon).
MCD maintained the flow of water in the drain regularly and checked the quantum of silt from time to time. MCD has been making all efforts by taking adequate measures to prevent mosquito breeding/mosquitoes along the alleged drain and by carrying out required desilting and cleansing of the alleged drain on a regular basis.