Question raised in Lok Sabha on Adulteration in Food Items, 22/12/2017
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Adulteration in Food Items, 22/12/2017
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Adulteration in Food Items, 22/12/2017. Cases of adulteration, including use of harmful chemicals in food items, do come to the notice of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) from time to time. The Food Safety Officers in the States/UTs take food samples on regular basis and send them for analysis in the food laboratories to check the compliance of the provisions of Food Safety
Standards Act, 2006, Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The data on food samples collected, tested, found not conforming and action taken against the defaulter Food Business Operators is being received by FSSAI from States/UTs. The information on food samples received from States/UTs for the last three years is at Annexure- I, II and III respectively. For current year, half yearly data has been received only from 2 States and is at Annexure IV.