Question raised in Lok Sabha on Bird Sanctuaries, 11/08/2015
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Bird Sanctuaries, 11/08/2015
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Bird Sanctuaries, 11/08/2015. State/UT-wise details of bird sanctuaries, as per information available with the Ministry, is given in the Annexure.
Management and conservation of wildlife and its habitats including birds and bird sanctuaries is the responsibility of the concerned State / Union Territory Governments. The bird populations in Bird Sanctuaries and Protected Areas are generally safe. There is pressure on bird population due to various factors such as habitat destruction, habitat deterioration, spread of agriculture and invasive weeds, widespread and uncontrolled use of pesticides; and in few areas, illegal trapping and hunting for clandestine bird trade. Data on the decline in the number of bird are not collated in the Ministry. The Ministry has not received any report regarding decline in number of birds in the country. There has not been any denotification of bird sanctuaries.