Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generation of Power from Wastes, 03/08/2017

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Generation of Power from Wastes, 03/08/2017. The details of CFA provided by MNRE and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs under SBM during the last there years and the current year, State/UTs wise are given at Annexure-I & II. Presently, five projects of 66.4 MW are operational and generating power from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and running successfully in Solapur, Maharashtra; Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh; and New Delhi, which are able to process about 4516 Tons MSW per day. The State/UT-wise details of these operational plants with installed capacity and quantity of MSW utilized / processed are given at Annexure-III. Under SBM, 48 MSW based plants with cumulative installed capacity of 412.5 MW are under construction. Details of these projects are given at Annexure-IV.
