Question raised in Lok Sabha on Ground Water Pollution, 08/02/2019
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Ground Water Pollution, 08/02/2019
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Ground Water Pollution, 08/02/2019. According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), the ground water available in the country in general is potable and suitable for various usages. However, localized occurrence of ground water having various chemical constituents in excess of the limits prescribed for drinking water use has been observed in some states. The commonly observed contaminants such as, Arsenic, Fluoride and Iron are geogenic, whereas contaminants such as, nitrates, phosphates, heavy metals etc. are anthropogenic i.e. owe their origin to various human activities including domestic wastewater, agriculture run-off, etc. Based on monitoring results carried out during 20152017, the pesticide levels have been observed to be either below detection limit or not detected at most of the ground water monitoring locations. Non-conformity has been observed at 1 location in West Bengal, 6 locations in Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The non-conformity with respect to heavy metals has been observed at 182 locations out of 807 locations monitored throughout the country during 2015-2017 . The details are given in Annexure .