Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution in Rivers/Lakes, 19/07/2016

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution in Rivers/Lakes, 19/07/2016. The programmes of NRCP & NGRBA (till 31/07/2014) have so far covered polluted stretches of 43 rivers in 200 towns spread over 21 States at a sanctioned cost of `12202.59 crore and sewage treatment capacity of 5169 million litres per day (mld) has been created so far under these two programmes. The details of funds released to various State Governments for implementation of pollution abatement schemes during the last three years under the NRCP/NGRBA, State-wise are at Annexure-I. Under the NWCP/NPCA, so far an amount of ` 146.94 crore has been released for undertaking various wetland conservation activities. State-wise details of funds released to various State Governments under NPCA during the last three years are at Annexure-II.
