Bush s fire
Bush s fire

The destructive strategy of the Bush administration is neutering the eu. It is also threatening the underpinnings of multilateralism that have held sway over global politics since the formation of the United Nations. Within the us, the Bush strategy is apparent in the administration's successful efforts to dramatically shrink the role of the government in every domestic arena (except for issues related to the military and police). The unprecedented tax cut is undermining the ability of the 50 states to meet basic public needs. The move has already turned people against their own local governments.
The withdrawal of the us from the Kyoto Protocol is the latest in a series of relentless assaults on international agreements. Since the appointment of president Bush, the us has refused to join the International Criminal Court, the convention on landmines and a host of other international agreements. Most recently, it was found guilty of attempting to undermine even the most neo-liberal international establishments