Cultural diversity is closely linked to biodiversity. The study of these interrelationships need to be studied mainly for the simple reason that culture is not only the ethical imperative for development, it is also a condition of its sustainability; for there exists a symbiotic relationship between habitats and cultures, between ecosystems and cultural identity, and that this relationship constitutes a determining factor in ensuring sustainable human development. The association of religion with eco-system management is interwoven in the symbolic network of the Himalayan traditional communities. Infact no one can think of ecology in the Himalaya without religion. The present study deals with the study of sacred natural sites (forests/groves, pastures, water bodies) along with the phenomenon of dedication of the forests to a deity, and the inherent taboos with regard to the resource exploitation and other traditional beliefs and customs being practiced in the Central Himalaya, and attempts to bring out the inherent environmental principles behind these practices.
