Discovery of giant radio galaxies from NVSS: radio and infrared properties
Discovery of giant radio galaxies from NVSS: radio and infrared properties
Giant radio galaxies (GRGs) are one of the largest astrophysical sources in the Universe with an overall projected linear size of ∼0.7 Mpc or more. The last six decades of radio astronomy research has led to the detection of thousands of radio galaxies. However, only ∼300 of them can be classified as GRGs. The reasons behind their large size and rarity are unknown. We carried out a systematic search for these radio giants and found a large sample of GRGs. In this paper, we report the discovery of 25 GRGs from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array Sky Survey, in the red-shift range z ∼ 0.07 to 0.67. Their physical sizes range from ∼0.8 Mpc to ∼4 Mpc. Eight of these GRGs have sizes ≥2 Mpc, which is a rarity.