Fire in the embers
Fire in the embers
Jagir Singh Patiali, 65, is the undisputed leader of the village community in Patial. Although he never held any official post, he has taken up a number of local issues, and spearheaded the forest protection system. Jagir still holds out with hope.
What is the force behind this cooperation in the village?
Our village has always remained relatively isolated. We had to help ourselves. Even wild animals help each other. We had to create our own government and not rely on the sarkar (government).
But the village has also taken the government's help.
There are many things we cannot do. Water supply, road, transport and electricity, these things are beyond our means. But still we do many things ourselves.
Can you cite a recent instance of common action?
Last year we constructed a temple by raising Rs 27,000. And we fought the fire that broke out in neighbouring Kot and Behara villages.
How do you decide to take an action? We just decide to follow something and then stick to it. For that a meeting is called in the village school and decisions are taken by a voice vote. If these rules need any modifications, we just meet again.
Do people adhere to these rules?
If people think these are beneficial for them, they follow them. They know what is good and what is not for the community. If the village doesn't prosper, we won't prosper either.
Do you think that the new generation is carrying forward the tasks done by the previous generation?
I have full faith in our lads. They are follwing the path shown by their elders. But many are migrating from the village.