The gist of the New Delhi statement

- The GEF should be at the cutting edge, being "innovative, flexible and responsive' to the needs of the recipients

- Country-driven efforts:
- Based on national priorities
- Greater outreach with targets, better consultations with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local communities
- Promote country ownership of GEF projects

- The GEF should be a catalyst to involve other funders for capacity building and training

- It should make project preparation simpler, transparent and more nationally driven

- Long-term planning, multi-year support programmes

- More understandable definition of incremental costs and a more transparent process of determining these costs

- The GEF should be a learning entity and should strengthen its monitoring and evaluation facilities

- Better define the linkages between land degradation, particularly desertification and deforestation, and the GEF focal areas. Increase support for land degradation activities

- The GEF implementation agencies should promote measures to achieve global environmental benefits within the context of their regular activities

- Strong relationships with the global scientific community

- Promote greater coordination and co-financing of its activities by other sources, including bilateral funding organisations. Expand opportunities for execution of activities by regional development banks and NGOs

- Mobilise additional resources from public and private sources. Explore new opportunities for private sector and joint ventures