Why should we be ashamed of what we are doing?" demands Sudama Devi. We are earning a living." In a state where women are boUght and sold like cattle, the case of this wizened woman from ChoUhka

A lot, apparently. Neem Azadirachta indica and the I?roducts derived from it have traditionally been widely used for centuries, especially in India, for medicinal purposes and pest control. Recognising its vast potential, Western science and industry

Will the National Alliance of People's Movements be a whiff of Fresh air blowing in winds of change, reforming the way the country views development?

Bhargava adds: "Unfortunately, neem is not the only case where we have lost out. We (at the CCMB) discovered a protein called seminal plasmin (published in Nature and widely publicised in the late

Director, Malaria Research Centre, Delhi

21.8.85 USP 4531114 Terumo Corporation, Japan: HOT WATER EXTRACTS OF THE NEEMBARK, active against mouse L-5178Y cells and transplanted sarcoma 180 tumours; use: anti-cancer properties

Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad

Former chairperson, University Grants Commission

7.8.90 U5P 4946681/2.1.91 EP 0405701 W R Grace&Co, USA: METtlODTOPREP~AN J MP R OVED STOM G E"SJABLENEEM SEEDEXTRACTfo r the prod uc. tiollof stableazadirach till sol~tions cowp!ising

An additional search for neem-related patents through the US patent database, carried out in late December, 1995, revealed the existence of two more patents. Both were obtained by US corporations:
