Network: reaching out
Network: reaching out
In May/June 1997, cse 's grp team released advertisements in Down To Earth inviting professionals, students, non-governmental organisations and other sections of the civil society to become a part of the "Green Rating Network'. They would be responsible for collecting data on Indian industries. The rationale behind the setting up of this network was to quell apprehensions raised during the function marking grp 's launch. Participants had doubted cse 's ability to track down, by itself, industries located in every nook and corner of the country. Hence, cse created a countrywide network comprising members of the civil society.
In January 1998, after finishing the conceptual framework for rating the industries, the grp team began its study on the pulp and paper industry to test the feasibility of the green rating methodology. To collect data on 31 paper plants, about 30 green inspectors ( grn volunteers)