Other decisions adopted at COP
Other decisions adopted at COP
funding: The Alliance of Small Island States, Africa Group and Least Developed Countries (ldcs) complained that they found it difficult to access funds from the Special Climate Change Fund (sccf) operated by the Global Environment Facility (gef). Co-financing, additional criteria and the narrow scope of adaptation projects eligible for financing were too big a burden. There was also division on what activities sccf could fund (including renewable energy, environmentally sound technologies and advanced fuel technologies). The issue of co-financing cropped up in discussions on the ldc Fund. ldcs argued that gef's co-financing requirements contravened an earlier cop decision to provide full funding to ldcs to help them prepare their National Adaptation Programmes of Action (napas). To this, the European Union (EU) said co-financing was a good idea; it gave countries a sense of ownership. On the issue of whether the ldc Fund should start funding projects under napas, rather than just it's preparation, Canada, Norway, the eu and Switzerland contended more time was needed to develop criteria for the ldc Fund. Issues regarding both funds could not be resolved and were postponed until the next meeting.
carbon sinks: The body simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation projects under the clean development mechanism. These projects may now be bundled at various stages in the project cycle. Requirements for the project design document have been reduced. Baseline methodologies and monitoring plans have been simplified to reduce costs, and the same operational entity has been allowed to undertake validate, verify and certify the projects. Further, the projects will be limited to those in which the net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals would be less than eight kilotonnes of carbon dioxide per year. They will be exempted from other fees charged for adaptation, and will be charged reduced fees for registration and administrative expenses.
mitigation: COP-10 was to discuss the development, deployment and diffusion of technologies to mitigate climate change. What they agreed to was merely continue focusing its work on exchanging information and sharing experiences and views, among members, on practical opportunities and solutions to mitigate climate change.
national communications on greenhouse gas inventories from non-annex I parties: cop-10 was to consider and adopt a decision regarding submissions of the second and third national communications. This issue was left unresolved due to no agreement on when the reports were to be submitted once the funds were disbursed. The unresolved text was sent to the subsidiary body for implementation.