Physicochemical investigation of water from public water supply schemes was carried out with the objective of assessing its potabiliy for drinking purpose. It was observed that, lowest BOD value of 5.3 mg/L and highest BOD value of 8.1 mg/L where as the lowest COD of 75.3 mg/L and highest COD of 112.30mg/L.. DO ranged from 3.4 to 6.3 mg/L. Electrical Conductivity was from 578 to 710 umho/cms which is below the permissible limit. The total hardness was from 33.89 to 20.99 mg/l, pH was acidic to mild alkaline. The Suspended solids and total dissolved solids were within permissible limit. The total dissolved solids were within the ranges of 504.3 mg/L to 609.2 mg/L. All the samples were found to be suitable for drinking purpose.
