Rain attenuation prediction model for satellite communications based on the Météo-France Ensemble Prediction System PEARP

This paper presents an example of usage of Ensemble Weather Forecast for the control of Satellite-based Communication Systems. Satellite communication systems become increasingly sensitive to weather conditions as their operating frequency is increasing to avoid electromagnetic spectrum congestion and enhance their capacity. In the microwave domain, electromagnetic waves that are conveying information are attenuated between the satellite and Earth terminals in presence of hydrometeors (mostly rain drops and more marginally cloud droplets). To maintain a reasonable level of service availability, even with adverse weather conditions considering the scarcity of amplification power in spacecraft, fade mitigation techniques have been developed. The general idea behind those fade mitigation techniques is to re-route, change the characteristics, or re-schedule the transmission in case of too significant propagation impairments. For some systems, a scheduling on how to use those mechanisms some hours in advance is required, making assumptions on the future weather conditions affecting the link.

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