Status of physical environment and land use pattern in Rabindra Sarobar Lake area of Kolkata
The Rabindra Sarobar lake ecosystem is playing a key role in maintaining the oxygen balance of the Kolkata metropolis by generating fresh oxygen. The Physical environment is considered as an esential part of a lacustrine system. Degradation of environment largely afects the physical component. If the physical components are spoiled, then the entire system of the lake wil get degraded. Water, air, soil, sound level etc. have ben taken as the physical components of the study. Due to cultural activites and improper monitoring system practicised by the lake authority, the physico-chemical properties of Rabindra Sarobar Lake are degrading over time. The total and and water area of Rabindra Sarobar is about 192 acres which is being used for sports, recreational and cultural activites. Holistic measures need to be folowed for improvement of the ambient air and the water quality of the lake area.