Traditional water management systems - An overview of Ahar-pyne system in South Bihar plains of India and need for its revival
Traditional water management systems - An overview of Ahar-pyne system in South Bihar plains of India and need for its revival
The traditional water harvesting system that existed decades ago in various Indian states is as relevant today as it was then and perhaps even more. Present day India is no stranger to nature’s fury like floods, drought, famine and hurricanes, and it would be well to learn from the old but true wisdom of traditional customs of water harvesting. There is also need to provide qualitative and quantitative irrigation to various agriculture fields to enhance the production of food grains and improve the livelihood of people in India. Ahar-pyne system is an indigenous irrigation technology of South Bihar which continues to irrigate substantial areas even today. In the present study, it has been tried to review the present status looking into the Institutional and Management issues, assess the reasons for its decline and explore the possibility of revival of the system in India in convergence with the various Government programmes, funding agencies and the local community.