The wretched of the earth

In the pre-British era, the Dangis, part of a larger trade circle in forest products, dictated the terms of trade in forest produce. Merchants from the peripheral towns, bought permission to cut timber from the Bhil chiefs. The rate, in 1826, was Rs.2.25 per cart. Payments were often in kind, like grain, cloth and other material not available in the Dangs. They also sold honey, mahua (a fruit-based liquour),lac and bamboo products. But today the picture of poverty in the Dangs is stark, fearsome.

Family income per annum (in Rs) % of family
Less than 4000 22.37
4001-6000 39.10
6001-8500 28.37
8501-10000 8.44
10001-11000 1.72
Taking annual family (unit of 5 heads) income of Rs 10, 000 as the poverty line, 98.28% of Dangis live under it