Armed for Alzheimer's
Armed for Alzheimer's
ARMED forces medical services have started giving a lot of importance to geriatric medicine. Studies have revealed that a large number of patients admitted to military hospitals suffer from Alzheimer's disease and other neurocognitive disorders. By 2020, the number of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease will double in India to 37 million, with one out of every 11 Indians over the age of 60 suffering from the disease. According to P N Tandon, professor emeritus. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, the future treatment of the disease will depend on combination therapy. "Three drugs have already been tried. Four are awaiting release, and 16 are in phase-3 clinical trials. But we still have hope for a herbal remedy in our own country," said Tandon. A new area of concern has been the combat related post-traumatic stress in areas like the Siachen and the Northeast.