ebay bans online ivory trade

Bowing into global pressure, auction website eBay has decided to stop online ivory trading. On June 5, 2007, the first-ever online trading ban on ivory was announced in Amsterdam. The website will allow listings of ivory products only in the seller's country.

The move comes after the International Fund for Animal Welfare (ifaw) charged eBay of abetting ivory trade through its auction sites; contributing to the extinction of elephants. The website had denied the charges, saying it was not directly involved in the trading. "eBay has a policy to restrict sale of ivory in accordance with existing uk and international law,' said ebay spokesman Gareth Streeter.

According to ifawi, over 90 per cent of the 2,200 ivory products on eBay in multiple countries were in violation of the policies. "Elephants are facing extinction.Internet ivory trade too contributes to it,' said Robbie Marsland, uk director of ifawi.