Ending resin tapping
Ending resin tapping

Widespread damage to pine forests near Dharmsala in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh has prompted the Chaneta village panchayat to pass a resolution urging the government to halt resin tapping immediately.
The villagers, concerned that trees are running dry because of indiscriminate tapping by the State Forest Corp (SFC), warned they would physically prevent SFC staff from entering forests.
Reports indicate more than 10 per cent of the pine plantations in the 200-ha Mansoo forest are dry. Widespread damage to pine trees has also occurred in nearby Nurpur and Palampur.
Chaneta pradhan Shiv Nal Singh says most of the damage is caused by ill-trained tappers, who apply acid in excess when seeking to freshen cuts in the tree trunk and this leads to drying.