The foreign hand

Collaboration Product
Wimco Ltd, Bombay Hilleshog AB, Sweden Seeds and seedings for agroforestry
Maharashtra Seeds Co, Bombay, Seedtec International, USA Hybrid sunflower seeds
ITC Agrotech Ltd, Secunderabad, Continental Grains, Australia Hybrid seeds
Bejo Sheetal Seeds Pvt Ltd, Jalna, Bezo Zadan BV, Holland Hybrid sunflower seeds
Phi Biogene Pvt Ltd, Delhi,Pioneer Overseas Corp of USA Hybrid seeds
Bihar Seeds Corp, Champaran, Pacific Seeds, Australia Hybrid sunflower seeds
Nath Seeds Pvt Ltd, Aurangabad, Dobi Gon & Co, USA Hybrid sunflower seeds
Welcome Seeds Pvt Ltd, Delhi, NRI Cases, UK Vegetable seeds
Bilt Treetech Pvt Ltd, Delhi,Plantex, Australia Propagation of trees and shrubs
Omega Agseed India Ltd, Bombay, Agseeds Pvt Ltd, Australia Improved seeds
Bharat Pulverising Mills Ltd, Nova Seeds, USA Oilseeds, pulses & vegetable seeds
Bisco Seed Tech Pvt Ltd, Delhi, Agripro Biosciences, USA Hybrid seeds
Nath Seeds Ltd, Aurangabad,K Z Gebroaders Sluis, Holland Hybrid vegetable seeds
Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Co Ltd, Bombay Asgrow Seed Co, USA Hybrid vegetable seeds
ECL Agrotech, Calcutta, Controcoop, Yugoslavia Hybrid seeds
Harrisons Malayalam Ltd, Ernakulam, Agri Saatan, Germany Hybrid seeds
Semynio Statzucht, Germany Hybrid seeds
Green Tek, Holland Plant-tissue culture
Sandoz (India) Ltd, Bombay, Zaadunio BV, Holland Northrup King Co, USA High-yielding seed varieties
Raunaq International, Delhi, Centrocoop Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Faculty, University of Agriculture, Novisat, Yugoslavia Hybrid seeds
Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corp, Madras, Pioneer Overseas Corp, USA Hybrid seeds
Pioneer Overseas Corp, Delhi, set up by Pioneer Overseas Corp of USA Research