Hazare breaks his silence

Why did you make allegations against Babanrao Gholap when you did not have substantial evidence?
I spoke against Gholap in the interest of society. Somebody has to take the initiative to fight against corruption. I deliberately did it to arouse mass consciousness against corruption. I had evidence against the minister, but it was were not found sufficient to prove the charges.

There are reports that you are planning to move the high court?
It is totally out of question. I could have moved the high court much earlier if I wanted to. But then what was the need to come here (to jail)? I will not go anywhere now. I will seek justice from the people.

Why did you accept the jail sentence when you could have furnished the bond?
When the judge asked me to furnish a bond of Rs 5,000 and an undertaking that I shall refrain from making statements about persons holding positions of responsibility for two years, I felt it was an attack on my fundamental right to freedom of speech. I thought it was better to go to jail than give up my fundamental right. Even during the freedom struggle, several people refused to give such undertakings to the authorities.

What is your movement against corruption about?
In 1942, Gandhiji initiated the Quit India movement to throw out both the British and their rule. But he could only oust the British. A type of British rule exists in the country today. My fight is against this system.

What do you expect from people at this juncture?
The common people have been suppressed by the powerful. If the people want real freedom, they must once again start a movement like the one in 1942 The fight for real freedom will not be easy. They may face serious problems and may even have to go to jail. But the country today needs sacrifices from its citizens. There is a need for a mass movement against corruption. Real freedom be possible only then.

How do you the remark of some Shiv Sena members that "Hazare is a liar and now it has been proved in the court".
I do not wish to comment. I will speak once I come out of jail. Let them say what they want.