If you have been effectively treated for tuberculosis or an ear infection, you may have to try three or more antibiotics before you find one that works. What will be the fall-out of a nuclear attack? Are there any practical solutions to global warming? Do fuel-cell vehicles pollute or would stricter tail pipe standards curb environmental pollution from vehicles?

This exhaustive site explores and scientifically analyses health and environment issues. Comprehensive information available on this site demystifies a wide range of subjects including biotechnology, sustainable agriculture, food, energy and nuclear issues besides highlighting related issues and case studies on each topic.

It offers a product guide for consumers and practical solutions to everyday environmental problems through innovative policy development.

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a group based in Cambridge, US. It was founded in 1969 by faculty members and students of MIT to campaign against the misuse of science and technology in society. It continues to be an advocacy site with a strong anti nuclear bent.

The UCS, as a non-profit partnership of scientists and citizens, also takes up issues and campaigns for solutions. Some of their activities cover fuel-efficient vehicles, genetically modified food, renewable energy and nuclear power. It allows viewers to field questions and influence policy by directly contacting the right agency or official.