Lakhimpur train services
Lakhimpur train services
Train services have been suspended between North Lakhimpur and Murkong Selek under the Rangia division after floodwater washed away the bolder base of both sides of a railway bridge between Dhemaji and Silapathar stations. The 5814 Dn Murkong Selek- Rangia Arunachal Express stands cancel between Murkong Selek and North Lakhimpur. The train will leave North Lakhimpur at 5 am on July 5 instead of 9.15 pm of July 4. The 761 Up Rangapara-Murkong Selek Passenger has been terminated at North Lakhimpur instead of Murkong Selek. It will return from North Lakhimpur as 762 Dn on July 5.