Lakhimpur train services

Train services have been suspended between North Lakhimpur and Murkong Selek under the Rangia division after floodwater washed away the bolder base of both sides of a railway bridge between Dhemaji and Silapathar stations. The 5814 Dn Murkong Selek- Rangia Arunachal Express stands cancel between Murkong Selek and North Lakhimpur. The train will leave North Lakhimpur at 5 am on July 5 instead of 9.15 pm of July 4. The 761 Up Rangapara-Murkong Selek Passenger has been terminated at North Lakhimpur instead of Murkong Selek. It will return from North Lakhimpur as 762 Dn on July 5.