Shirdi"s Sun shrine
Shirdi"s Sun shrine
•The solar rays are used to heat water and generate steam •The steam-cooked food, along with food cooked using LPG, is enough to feed more than 50,000 persons a day • 10,000 litres of water is drawn from the Kankure lake every day and purified for cooking • 243 kg cooking gas, worth Rs 10,594, is saved every day • Solar cooking prevents 1,956 tonnes of CO2 from being released every year • The temple trust can earn Rs 19,04,987 a year through carbon credits at the current rate of Rs 974 a tonne • The system has a life of 25 years. It costs Rs 1.33 crore • Gadhia Solar System Pvt Ltd installed the cooking system and will maintain it the initial five years as a part of the |