Speedy information
Speedy information
A computerised up-to-date information system will soon replace cumbersome files and harassed information officers at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The computerised information network, National Agricultural Research System (NARS), will encompass the activities of more than 25,000 scientists at 75 major agricultural research institutes, 27 universities and 1,000 research stations in the country, says ICAR deputy director general K L Chaddha. "Agricultural scientific research is strapped for quality and timely information," he noted. "Once it is fully functional, NARS will fill a gaping void."
Speedy availability of valid and reliable information is essential for scientific decision-making and so the NARS database has been designed to cover three broad areas: research data, bibliographic information and management information. Each area will have its own database, but all three will be compatible and information exchange between them would be possible.