Spot the well
Spot the well
It isn't that the rich and the wealthy got their water from elsewhere. They invested more than others in design as well as beautification. From the seventh century AD, the city was ruled by dukes (doge). One of the most photographed locations is the Doge Palace. But the tourists taking pictures of the palace don't stop to notice that the pavement on which they stand (right) is part of an elaborate water storage system that supported the pomp and glory of the palace. The tourism brochures don't tell. In fact, the workmanship on the wells inside the palace (below) leaves one wondering. The wall of the well is a single iron block with awe-inspiring intricate work. What kind of people/foundry made this? It's not that the wells outside the palace don't have beautiful work, but the one below is something special. It's more a statement of status and workmanship. But like all the other wells of Venice, this too has a wall tapering in to allow easy access to water. The basic principles are all the same, regardless of status.