There is no radiation in Jaduguda
There is no radiation in Jaduguda
What is the level of radiation in Jaduguda? Has the UCIL or the BARC conducted a study in this regard?
There is no radiation or any related health problems in Jaduguda and its surrounding areas. As per the international practice, the health physics unit (hpu) at Jaduguda regularly monitors the persons and work places with regard to radiation dose. The hpu also monitors the environment with regard to general public. Based on the recommendations of the environmental committee, detailed medical and radiation surveys were conducted of all the villages in the vicinity of Jaduguda.
There is consensus among all doctors that the disease pattern in patients examined cannot be ascribed to radiation exposure in any of these cases. In addition, the radiation survey also concluded that operations undertaken by ucil in the Jaduguda environment had not resulted in any increase in the natural background radiation levels beyond levels prescribed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (aerb).
What measures has the UCIL taken to ensure that the people are not exposed to radiation?
Limits prescribed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (icrp) and aerb are strictly adhered to. The levels of radiation and radioactivity are constantly monitored by the hpc, Jaduguda.
Is the dumping of radioactive waste in open dumping grounds/ponds and their disposal using open trucks permitted under the Hazardous Waste Disposal Act?
The uranium present in the ore of ucil mines is very small