Who prospers from development?
Who prospers from development?
Why have some World Bank members opposed the NTPC loan on environmental grounds?
Our plants meet almost every Indian emission standard, which was a bank conditionality. If we can be trusted with projects worth $9 billion, we can be trusted to look after the environment, too.
The Environment Defense Fund (EDF) alleges the Singrauli complex will become a large source of greenhouse gases?
According to the Electricite de France study, energy generation in the area can be safely expanded to 11,000 MW. We have no intention at present of expanding beyond 6,500 MW.
Where do you think NTPC went wrong on relief and rehabilitation of the oustees?
We had a different objective earlier. Our main concern then was not for the people, but to set up the plant. Now as a complete, concerned, corporate entity, we realise the human aspects of development cannot be overlooked.
Why does the bank still have reservations about NTPC's rehabilitation and resettlement policy?
The bank team that recently visited Singrauli is satisfied with our action plan.
The EDF study claims many of the residents of the Singrauli area are suffering from pollution-related diseases. Has NTPC taken note of this?
I won't accept this. No proper health survey has been conducted in the area. We give all the medical help possible.
It has been two years since the EDF study was published. Has it been used by NTPC?
EDF's recommendations have been incorporated into our operations. We are monitoring emissions, installing electrostatic precipitators and collaborating with industries for ash utilisation. Regarding R&R, as we cannot give jobs in the plants to all the oustees, we have arranged for vocational training courses to make them self-reliant.
But life for the original tribal inhabitants does not seem to have improved perceptibly?
Development always brings prosperity. For the locals, very few of whom are tribals, there has naturally been an improvement in the quality of life after schools, dispensaries and family planning programmes were introduced by us.
But most oustees in the area rue the day they gave up their lands and homes.
We may not have been able to help everybody uniformly, but the Rihand and Vindhyachal oustees, in particular, have benefitted.