Clean drinking water
Clean drinking water
the uk celebrated a decade of steadily improving drinking water and marked it with a weeklong celebration. "In England and Wales, water companies operate under some of the toughest quality regulations in the world. The Drinking Water Inspectorate ( dwi )has worked hard over the last 10 yearsto achieve high quality throughthese regulation-driven improvement programmes. When turning theirtaps on, people can rest assured thatthe dwi is looking after their bestinterests, and will continue to do soin the new millennium,' said drink-ing water chief inspector MichaelRouse.
He further asserted that the dwi had played a vital role in virtually eliminating pesticides from the drinking water in uk and it will continue in its efforts to ensure that water companies continue to supply their customers with wholesome water at all times.
Besides this, dwi also initiates enforcement action when drinking water quality standards are breached. More than 2,800 enforcement actions have been taken over the last 10 years.