Major hurdles

Why is organic farming not picking up in India?
Firstly, there is little consumer awareness. Secondly, there is no proper infrastructure and marketing chain in place and retailers lack interest in organic produce. Most important is consumers' unwillingness to pay for organic produce. An International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture survey said Indian consumers are ready to pay a premium of only 5 to 7 per cent.

Is export then the only option?
At present it seems so. But in exports, too, India lags behind Indonesia, China and Thailand. The Indian domestic market could pick up in the next 20 years.

How do you think farmers can manage costly inputs?
This should be taken care of by the Indian government. The country needs a comprehensive region-specific organic regulation conducive to farmers' capabilities and resources.

What should India's approach be?
India has a lot of natural advantage over many countries. You have such a vast land where there has been no application of chemicals in large tracts. Such lands could be converted into organic with little effort.