Technology roadmap: nuclear energy
Technology roadmap: nuclear energy

This technology roadmap on nuclear energy released by IEA & OECD finds that nearly one-fourth of global electricity generation could be met with nuclear power by 2050, offering significant CO2 savings & says that financing new nuclear plants is expected to be a major challenge.
This nuclear energy roadmap has been prepared jointly by the IEA and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). Unlike most other low-carbon energy sources, nuclear energy is a mature technology that has been in use for more than 50 years. The latest designs for nuclear power plants build on this experience to offer enhanced safety and performance, and are ready for wider deployment over the next few years. Several countries are reactivating dormant nuclear programmes, while others are considering nuclear for the first time. China in particular is already embarking on a rapid nuclear expansion. In the longer term, there is great potential for new developments in nuclear energy technology to enhance nuclear