E-waste policy of Tamil Nadu 2010

This Policy sets forth position of Tamil Nadu government on e-waste management by identifying the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders to manage the e-waste in an environmentally sound manner , through reduction in the generation of e-waste and providing a system for collection, segregation and recycling of e-waste.



The alarming increase in e-waste generation and the consequent threat of environmental degradation arising from unauthorized recycling establishes the urgent need for an effective regulatory framework. In the absence of effective legislation or regulations to deal with this emergent situation and also to protect public interest, the Government of Tamil Nadu is now introducing a Policy on e-waste . This Policy sets forth the position of the Government of Tamil Nadu on e-waste management by identifying the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders including the public to manage the e-waste in an environmentally sound manner in Tamil Nadu, through reduction in the generation of e-waste and providing a system for collection, segregation and recycling of e-waste.
