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A treatability study was conducted to determine the most effective bioremediation strategies for the decontamination of sediments dredged from industrially polluted Gandigudem Lake. Microcosm  experiments  were  performed  with  the  addition  of  a  microbial  consortium  and
nutrients.  The  performance  of  each  treatment  was  examined  by  monitoring  biological parameters  such  as  basal  respiration,  microbial  biomass  carbon  (Cmic),  metabolic  quotient (qCO2),  Cmic/TOC  ratio,  dehydrogenase  activity,  and  phytotoxicity.  Results  of  the  study
suggest  that  the  addition  of  nutrients  to  the  contaminated  sediments  accelerated bioremediation  and  the  application  of  an  enriched  native  microbial  consortium  in concentration  greater  than  the  indigenous  microbial  population  further  increased  the bioremediation  efficiency.  The  study  also  demonstrated  the  effectiveness  of  combining
bioassays  with  chemical  monitoring  for  evaluation  of  bioremediation  effectiveness  and assessment of the de­contaminated/ stabilized sediments.
