The first round of negotiations on the outcome of RIO + 20: do we want the WTO as a means of implementation?
The first round of negotiations on the outcome of RIO + 20: do we want the WTO as a means of implementation?

The background note, in the form if a draft decision, circulated on 10 January 2012, suggests a new framework for international cooperation on the use of natural resources at the global level. Of the three dimensions of sustainable development, the focus was on the environment in the period 1992 -2011, and the focus is now sought to be shifted to the economic dimension for the period 2012 – 2031, completely ignoring the social dimension. The theme of Rio + 20 is “green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development’, and the focus must now be on equity to secure human wellbeing in the context of limits on the availability of ecosystem services, in particular for ensuring energy to all, which is now considered an essential element for eradication of poverty.