Pricing of water in public system in India 2017
Pricing of water in public system in India 2017
The Water Rates for Surface Water and Ground Water should be rationalized with due regard to the interest of small and marginal farmers says this report by the Central Water Commission (CWC).
The water rate is levied for supply of water from a public or a private system with a view to ensure equitable water distribution, efficiency of the irrigation system and its management. It has been attracting attention of Planners, Policy makers and Researchers in view of its important role in regulating the water use within the reach and resources of the users.
The declining per capita availability of water for diverse uses has generated serious concern all over. The Government’s concern for a rational and pragmatic approach for levying Water Rates, in return for the water supplied to the users, made possible by development and construction of Water Resources Projects involving huge public investment. Earlier, the Second Irrigation Commission (1972) had also emphasized the role, importance and necessity of levying water charges in return for water supplied to the users and its adequacy in meeting the expenditure towards Operation & Maintenance for ensuring equitable distribution and its efficient use. The Water Rate is reflected in the Government of India’s National Water Policy Statement of 1987 which specifically states, “The Water Rates should be such as to convey the scarcity value of the resource to the users and to foster the motivation for economy in water use. They should be adequate to cover the Maintenance and Operation Charges and a part of the fixed costs of irrigation works. Efforts should be made to reach this ideal over a period of time while ensuring assured and timely supplies of irrigation water. The Water Rates for Surface Water and Ground Water should be rationalized with due regard to the interest of small and marginal farmers.” The present publication namely “Pricing of Water in Public System in India” is an attempt to bring out the present and latest status of water rates of different States.