National Register of Large (Specified) Dams is a compilation of the specified dams in the country prepared as per information received from the State Government /Authority concerned.

Water resources of India are examined in the context of the growing population and the national ambition to become and be seen as a developed nation.

The flood damage data upto 2020 has been finalized in CWC duly confirmed by the states. State wise damage data and for the country as a whole for the period 1953 to 2020 has been included in this document.

This document presents the details on monitoring of glacial lakes and water bodies in the Indian Himalayan region during the month of October 2021 using satellite remote sensing technique including the data used and methodology followed in this study.

Metal contamination in river water is increasingly becoming common in India. Presence of metals in river water in excesses may cause a significant threat to human health and ecological systems. The present report attempts to provide the water quality scenario of Indian rivers in respect of trace and toxic metals.

This third edition of report on "water quality hotspots in rivers of India” is based on the data of 10 nos. of water quality parameters observed during 2010-2020 at 588 water quality monitoring stations out of 764 stations of CWC.

In many regions, the availability of water in both quantity and quality is being severely affected by climate change, with more or less precipitation in different regions and more extreme weather events. Thus, water resource management plays an important role.

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared that an outbreak of thee viral disease COVID-19, had reached the level of a global pandemic and instructed the governments to take urgent and aggressive action to stop the spread of the virus. The nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of the COVID-19 in India was announced on March 25.

Water resources of India are examined in the context of the growing population and the national ambition to become and be seen as a developed nation.

Water resources of India are examined in the context of the growing population and the national ambition to become and be seen as a developed nation.
