Report on medical certification of cause of death in Delhi 2015
Report on medical certification of cause of death in Delhi 2015
This report on Medical Certification of Cause of Death is brought out by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics and office of Chief Registrar (Births & Deaths), GNCTD. The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 provides for certification of cause of death by the medical practitioners who have last attended the deceased. The Section 10(2) of the Act empowers the State Government to introduce the system of medical certification of cause of death. In Delhi, the medical certification of cause of death has been made compulsory in July 2003 by bringing all the hospitals, government as well as private in the purview of the provisions of Section 10(3) of the RBD Act, 1969. The report has been prepared exclusively on the basis of data on institutional deaths in Delhi. In domiciliary cases MCCD is not reported, so the readers of this report may bear in mind that this study is confined to 62.70% of the registered deaths during 2015 in Delhi which have occurred in hospitals.